What are the best sense to use while hunting deer

Hunting deer is a popular pastime for many outdoor enthusiasts, but success often hinges on having the right gear. One important aspect to consider is the type of scents you use while hunting. In this blog post, we will discuss the best types of scents for hunting deer.

  1. Doe Urine

Doe urine is a popular scent to use while hunting deer. It is used to attract bucks during the rutting season when bucks are searching for does to mate with. Doe urine can be used in several ways, including as a scent lure or as a cover scent to mask human odor.

  1. Buck Urine

Buck urine is another popular scent to use while hunting deer. It is used to attract other bucks during the rutting season when they are establishing their dominance. Buck urine can be used as a scent lure or as a cover scent to mask human odor.

  1. Estrous Scent

Estrous scent is a type of doe urine that is collected during the peak of the estrous cycle. It is used to attract bucks during the rutting season when they are searching for receptive does to mate with. Estrous scent is one of the most potent deer scents and is highly effective in attracting bucks.

  1. Acorn Scent

Acorn scent is a popular scent to use during the early season when deer are feeding heavily on acorns. It can be used to attract deer to a specific area or as a cover scent to mask human odor.

  1. Earth Scent

Earth scent is a natural scent that is often used as a cover scent to mask human odor. It is typically a combination of dirt, leaves, and other natural materials and can be applied to clothing or hunting equipment.

The type of scents you use while hunting deer can have a significant impact on your success. Whether you're using scent lures to attract bucks or cover scents to mask human odor, it's important to choose scents that are appropriate for the season and location. By using the right scents, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Need a new rifle sling for deer hunting season? Checkout these comfortable leather rifle slings.

What are the best sense to use while hunting deer