Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact Review: Pros and cons of the X-Tac Compact

The Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact is a highly regarded pistol in the firearms community, known for its exceptional performance, quality, and durability. However, like any firearm, it has its pros and cons. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of the Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact.


  1. Quality: Wilson Combat is known for producing high-quality firearms and the X-Tac Compact is no exception. The gun is built with premium materials and is designed to withstand the demands of daily use.

  2. Accuracy: The X-Tac Compact is designed to provide accurate shots, even in rapid fire situations. The gun’s shorter barrel makes it easier to handle, which can result in better accuracy.

  3. Customizable: The X-Tac Compact is highly customizable, making it easy for users to tailor the gun to their specific needs. This can include modifications to the grip, trigger, sights, and other features.

  4. Reliability: The X-Tac Compact is designed to be highly reliable, even in adverse conditions. The gun’s mechanical and design features help to ensure that it can perform consistently and dependably in a wide range of environments.


  1. Cost: The Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact is a premium pistol and as such, it is not cheap. It can cost significantly more than other compact firearms, which may make it inaccessible to some buyers.

  2. Capacity: The X-Tac Compact has a smaller magazine capacity than some other compact firearms, which can limit its usefulness in certain situations.

  3. Weight: The X-Tac Compact is built with high-quality materials, which can make it somewhat heavy compared to other compact firearms. This weight can make it more difficult to handle for some users.

The Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact is a high-quality, accurate, and customizable pistol that offers excellent performance and reliability. However, its high cost, limited magazine capacity, and weight are factors that may turn off some buyers. Ultimately, the decision to buy this gun comes down to the individual's specific needs and preferences.

Order a holster for your Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact today.

Wilson Combat X-Tac Compact Review: Pros and cons of the X-Tac Compact