Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel Review: Pros and cons of the Ms Sentinel

The Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel is a high-end 1911-style pistol designed for concealed carry and personal defense. It features a compact design, making it a popular choice for those who require a concealable weapon.


  1. Concealability: The compact design of the Ms Sentinel makes it a suitable option for concealed carry, allowing you to carry the weapon discreetly.

  2. Reliability: The Ms Sentinel is designed to be a reliable and dependable firearm, making it a suitable option for personal defense.

  3. Customization: Wilson Combat offers a wide range of customization options for the Ms Sentinel, allowing you to tailor the firearm to your individual needs and preferences.

  4. Quality: The Ms Sentinel is manufactured using high-quality materials, ensuring that it is a durable and reliable option for personal defense.

  5. Reputation: Wilson Combat is a well-respected brand in the firearms industry, and the Ms Sentinel is a well-regarded model, making it a reliable and dependable option for personal defense.


  1. Cost: The Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel is a high-end firearm and is significantly more expensive than other models on the market, making it a less affordable option for some.

  2. Maintenance: As with any firearm, the Ms Sentinel requires regular maintenance to keep it in good working condition, which may be an additional cost to consider.

  3. Capacity: The compact design of the Ms Sentinel may limit the capacity of the firearm, meaning that it may hold fewer rounds than other models on the market.

The Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel is a high-quality, compact pistol designed for concealed carry and personal defense. It offers reliable performance and a range of customization options, making it a great option for those who require a concealable weapon for personal defense. While it may be more expensive than other models on the market, it is a great option for those who require a top-performing, high-quality pistol for personal defense.

Order a holster for your Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel today.

Wilson Combat Ms Sentinel Review: Pros and cons of the Ms Sentinel